Who is Todd Sturgeon? Former Floyd Central Basketball coach's likes come under scrutiny in wake of L
Lisa and Todd Sturgeon received a note from their son Connor Sturgeon before he killed five people on Monday at the Old National Bank in Louisville, Kentucky.
According to the Daily Record, it's unclear if his parents saw his note before he committed the murders. Connor was killed by law enforcement, while nine others were rushed to the hospital, including two police officers.
Connor was employed by the bank, but was reportedly informed that he would be dismissed from his job. The 25-year-old reportedly used a rifle in the attack, which he streamed live on Instagram.
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Todd and Lisa have one more son together named Cameron, who is three years younger than Connor.
The 58-year-old former coach resides in Greenville, Floyd County, Indiana, according to Conan Daily. He's also lived in Indianapolis and Fishers in Indiana, as well as in Louisville, and Jefferson County, Kentucky.
Todd earned his bachelor's degree in political science in 1988 at DePauw University, where he played college basketball. He earned his master's degree at Indiana State University before being named head coach of the University of Indianapolis basketball program.
The elder Sturgeon coached at Indianapolis from 1992 to 2007, compiling a record of 151-126. He had several jobs following his coaching career in Indianapolis. He worked in real estate from 2007 to 2011 before becoming a sales representative at Aflac in New Albany, Indiana.
Todd also served as the president of the Home Care Assistance of Kentuckiana from January 2013 to March 2014. He returned to coaching three months later, taking over the head coaching job at Floyd Central High School in Floyds Knobs. Connor played high school basketball under his father.
After eight years in charge of Floyd Central, where he compiled a record of 142-45, Todd stepped down in order to spend time with his family.
"Ultimately, looking ahead at what's best for the program," Todd Sturgeon told WLKY. "I just felt like over the next two-three years, the program would be in a better place if we got somebody new who's excited, enthusiastic, pistols blazing and ready to come in and take the program to another level, hopefully."Fans on Twitter went to work following the news of the Louisville shooting. Sturgeon's likes were scrutinized and he was described as being anti-gun.
Here are some of the screenshots of Todd's likes on Twitter:
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