
Suzanne Malveaux and Karine Jean-Pierre wedding photos

Karine Jean-Pierre who has just been announced as the next White House Press Secretary is gay. Her partner is CNN journalist, Suzanne Malveaux. They have been together for two years.

Suzanne Malveaux who had worked as a White House correspondent now works in the Newsroom. She is 55 years old, ten years older than her partner. They have an adopted daughter, Soleil Malveaux Jean-Pierre.

Karine Jean-Pierre comes from a family of Haitian descent but she was brought up in Queens Village in New York City. She has two younger siblings.

Even though her parents were elderly and did not have heavy paychecks, she managed to get herself into New York Institute of Technology and later to Columbia university for a Master’s in public Administration.

However, her partner, Suzanne Malveaux comes from a wealthy family. Her father was a medical doctor and also a dean at Howard university college of medicine. He also founded the university’s National Human Genome Center. Her mother is a retired teacher.

Suzanne Malveaux has siblings who are professors and government officials.


Beatrice Clogston