
Social Worker Cathi Bedy Wiki, Age, Husband, Kids, Career & More

Cathi Bedy
Quick Info
Real NameCatherine Bedy.
AkaCathi Bedy.
ProfessionSocial Worker.
Birth DateNovember 21, 1960.
Birth PlaceFlorida, United States.
Lives inClearwater, Florida, United States.
Love Life
Marital StatusMarried.
HusbandName Unavailable.
Body Measurements
HeightIn feet: 5' 6".
In centimeters: 167.6 cm.
In meters: 1.676 m.
Works asLicensed Clincial Social Worker.
Works AtOBGYN Associates.

All About Maya Kowalski’s Social Worker Cathi Bedy

Cathi Bedy (age 63, born November 21, 1960) found herself thrust into a distressing situation as a social worker in the case of Maya Kowalski in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Maya, experiencing severe abdominal pain, was admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital by her parents, Beata and Jack Kowalski. Beata, a registered nurse, suggested a significant dose of ketamine, suspecting complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

Local anesthesiologist Dr. Anthony Kirkpatrick, familiar with CRPS, approved the ketamine infusion but expressed concerns about the high dosage.

Dr. Sally Smith, the medical director of the child protection team, was called in to assess the situation. Unfortunately, Cathi Bedy, assigned as Maya’s social worker, faced allegations of mistreatment and abuse.

Tragically, Beata, unable to bear the separation from her daughter, took her own life. In response, the Kowalski family filed a lawsuit against Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Dr. Sally Smith, Suncoast Center, and Cathi Bedy.

In a surprising turn, the family reached a settlement of $2.5 million with Dr. Smith and Suncoast in December 2021. The case against Cathi Bedy was dropped just before the trial commenced. Overall, the Kowalski family was awarded over $200 million in their legal battle against Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

Maya Kowalski's Social Worker Cathi Bedy

Why did Bedy misbehave with Maya Kowalski?

Maya Kowalski had a tough time when she ended up with Cathi Bedy after being separated from her parents. Right from the start, Maya’s dad, Jack, wasn’t too sure about Bedy. He found out that she had a criminal record and decided that Maya needed a different social worker.

In a Netflix documentary called “Take Care of Maya,” Maya spilled the beans about some really troubling stuff with Bedy. It started with hugs and sitting on Bedy’s lap, but things got really bad in January 2017.

Maya said Bedy made her take off her clothes, leaving her in just a sports bra and shorts. Bedy claimed it was for “risk management photos,” but the whole thing was messed up. Bedy even threatened Maya, saying if she didn’t do it, she couldn’t go to court or see her mom.

During the photo session, Maya said Bedy had to physically hold her down because she didn’t want to do it. But at that time Maya’s parents had no clue Bedy was taking these kinds of photos.

In a deposition (like an interview in court), Bedy had to admit that she knew Maya was uncomfortable during the photo session.

Cathi Bedy during Maya Kowalski Case Trial

Cathi has a history of abusing children

During her time at Suncoast, Bedy employed concerning methods to manage the behavior of a 10-year-old boy. Reliable sources state that Bedy forcefully gripped the boy’s head, causing him to fall, and then proceeded to place both knees on his chest.

The distressed boy informed Bedy that he couldn’t breathe, to which she callously replied, “Yes, you can,” as documented in an affidavit. Another therapist present allegedly covered the boy’s face with a towel.

Both women were apprehended and faced charges of one felony count of child abuse. In her deposition, Bedy denied using her knees on the child, and the charges were eventually dismissed.

Cathi Bedy Family Background

Born on November 21, 1960, in Florida, Catherine Bedy, aged 63, has deep roots in the Sunshine State. Following her educational pursuits, Cathi decided to dedicate her career to social work. Her journey led her to the Suncoast Center for Community Health, where she found herself handling the case of Maya Kowalski.

However, this period at Suncoast Center was marred by accusations of abusive behavior against Catherine. Unfortunately, Maya Kowalski became a victim of Bedy’s alleged misconduct.

Subsequently, legal actions unfolded, with Maya suing Catherine for mistreatment and assault. The dispute eventually found resolution outside the courtroom.

Presently, as per her LinkedIn profile, Catherine Bedy resides in Clearwater, Florida. She has transitioned her career and is currently engaged at OBGYN Associates

Cathi Bedy FAQs

Ques: How old is Cathi Bedy?

Ans: Cathi is 63.

Ques: Where is Cathi Bedy now?

Ans: Cathi is currently residing in Clearwater, Florida

Ques: Who is Cathi Bedy husband?

Ans: Catherine Bedy was married to a publicist.


Sherie Connelly