Is Andrew Ladd McConkey related to Phil McConkey? Georgia WR's family tree explored
Andrew Ladd McConkey has one of the most promising college football careers in terms of titles won. This is naturally so because he’s part of the Georgia Bulldogs, a team that has dominated college football for two straight seasons. But he’s not just a member of this team. He’s an important member who has contributed to its success as much as anyone.
He had five receptions for 88 yards and two touchdowns as the Bulldogs cruised to a 65-7 victory in the 2023 CFP National Championship Game. One thing that you may be wondering about is his last name. He does share the name with a legend of the game, Phil McConkey.
Phil McConkey played in the NFL for five years after playing college football for the Navy Midshipmen, winning a Super Bowl ring. Besides their last name, Ladd also plays in the same position as Phil, who was also a wide receiver. What else do they have in common, however? And most importantly, are they related?

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Ladd McConkey is not related to Phil McConkey. The former NFL wide receiver was born in Buffalo, New York, on Feb. 24, 1957. His parents are Jean and Joseph McConkey. He has a sister, Deborah Angell. He is married to Erin McConkey, and they have a daughter, May. Ladd, on the other hand, is from Chatsworth, Georgia.
Ladd McConkey was born into a family with a deep athletic background. Ladd is his family’s middle child. His father, Benji McConkey, played high school football at Dalton High School in Dalton, Georgia. He was a quarterback. His brother, Hinton, also played as a quarterback in NCAA Division II for the University of West Georgia.
Ladd grew up as a fan of the Tennessee Volunteers, as did everyone in his family. As a kid, he recalled that his father used to take him to see the Vols play. However, his commitment to the Georgia Bulldogs has demanded that he switch his allegiance from the Vols to the Bulldogs.
He attended North Murray High School in Chatsworth, Georgia. At North Murray, he played as quarterback, running back, defensive back, punter and kick returner. He led the school to a 9-1 record as a senior, winning its first-ever region championship. Recording 3,051 yards and 36 touchdowns, he was awarded the offensive player of the region.
Ladd honors the memory of his late grandfather, Vic McConkey, by writing “1-20-16” on his towels before games.
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