
How to get Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes in Elden Ring

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Ashes of War are among the most useful pieces of equipment you’ll find in Elden Ring. If used repeatedly, some are capable of consistently staggering some of the game’s toughest enemies, all while eating large chunks of HP. One such Ash of War is Flame of the Redmanes — a fiery attack that you can find relatively early on in the game.

You’ll find Flame of the Redmanes in the western part of Caelid, just east of the Fort Gael North Site of Grace. To pick up the item, you’ll first have to defeat an invisible Teardrop Scarab. You won’t be able to see this creature’s body, but you should see a set of glowing footprints on the ground following a set path. Observe the scarab’s path, position yourself on its path, and wait for it to approach you; attack it as its footsteps draw near to kill it and obtain the Ash of War.

Flame of the Redmanes is usable on all melee armaments, except for those that have a unique skill that cannot be replaced. It allows you to shoot a wide arc of fire in front of you, which not only deals a hefty amount of fire damage, but also staggers foes quite easily. In our experience, it staggered most bosses when used two-to-three times in a row, opening up many opportunities for critical hits. As such, we highly recommend using this Ash of War throughout your playthrough.

About the author

Jon Yelenic

Jon is a freelance writer whose work can be seen on Gamepur, SmashPad, and Goomba Stomp. He has also written for Game Rant. You can find him on Twitter @JonWYel

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