Dreykov (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Fan Casting

General Dreykov (Russian: Дрейков) was a high-ranking officer in the Soviet Armed Forces, and the overseer for the Red Room, where he would select young girls to be trained to become Black Widows. During this time, Dreykov had turned Alexei Shostakov into Red Guardian, but chose to send the super soldier on undercover missions, and eventually betrayed him. Eventually, Dreykov was tracked down by Natasha Romanoff, who attempted to kill him, only for Dreykov to survive, while his young daughter, Antonia Dreykov almost being killed, causing Dreykov to turn her into Taskmaster, becoming his greatest weapon. Having gone into hiding in the Red Room Academy, Dreykov had continued overseeing his Black Widows, using Melina Vostokoff's research to amass his army. When he learnt that Yelena Belova had betrayed them and stolen the Red Dust, Dreykov sent Taskmaster to stop Belova from releasing the Black Widows out of his control, putting him back into conflict with Romanoff and Shostakov. Romanoff was able to track down Dreykov, leading to the destruction of his entire base and the Red Room programming, before Dreykov was killed in a helicopter explosion by Belova.