
Bentley Buchanan Obituary, Student At Marion County High School, Has Passed Away The world o

Bentley Buchanan Obituary, Death – We lament the passing of our dear friend Bentley Buchanan. We mourn the passing of a legendary athlete and member of the Warrior family. Bentley was a positive influence in our school and a vital member of our basketball and volleyball teams. Her commitment, passion, and spirit on the court were only surpassed by her warmth and kindness off the court.

In terms of good sportsmanship and school community service, she was a real Warrior. We send our condolences, prayers, and thoughts to each and every victim of this tragedy who has touched our hearts. Our community needs to help one another through times of extreme loss. For students and community members who need to process their feelings or find comfort in others who understand, MCHS will open its gym tonight from 4 to 6 pm CST.

Counselors, administrators, and clergy will provide support, understanding, and direction during this trying time. As we grieve for Bentley, we should also offer prayers for her friends and family. We must be there for them with love, compassion, and unwavering support during this unbearable loss. Bentley Buchanan left a lasting impact and bright spirit that we will never forget. Let’s embrace the fortitude, resiliency, and cohesion of our Warrior family in remembrance of her. May our memories and one another bring us comfort in this time of loss.


Abbie Anker